Friday, May 3, 2013

1.  Is Lenny Kravitz seriously wearing that gigantic scarf?

2.  Does the world only care about what it can get from you?

3.  Do people really hate themselves because they don't do anything?

Yes, apparently Lenny Kravitz finds giant ass scarves stylish, or somehow functional.  Which one, I have no idea.
When Mr. Wong says that the world only cares what it can get from you, I would have to agree, to an extent.  For some reason, he neglects to mention family and friends.  According to me, those two are generally the exception.  Unless you have horrible friends and family, or no friends and family, than I am sorry to tell you, but Mr. Wong is correct.  Unless you can do things for people, or perform certain tasks that they themselves cannot do for one reason or another, you have no purpose in this world.  Well, that might be a little harsh, but hopefully some of you understand what I am saying.  Check this out, I have a job, and maybe you do too.  Why do we have jobs???  It isn't because we are just so sexy that our bosses hired us for the customer's viewing pleasure.  It is so we can perform a certain task and do specific duties to help keep the business running efficiently and making money.  Additionally, we don't accept jobs and work for no reason!  We work for money, not out of the goodness of our own hearts.  So, if the fact that the world only cares about what it can get from you tends to rub you the wrong way, flip the whole situation around.  Aside from your friends and family, I bet it is pretty safe to say that you care a great deal about what the world can do for you.  After all, nobody works for free!  We do the certain things we do for a specific, desired reward.

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